1 Start 2 Complete E-mail * Chapter Information Submitted by - Name * Submitted by - Email Address * Chapter Type * Competing Evaluation Only Observing Please select the types of Members submitted on your form * Competing Members - included in the annual assessment May 2024 Competing New Members - need to pay $100 AET Fee ($50 Youth) Lifetime/Legacy Members - need to pay $100 AET Fee Guest/Non-Member AETs - need to pay $100 AET Fee ($50 Youth) Is This a.... * New File Submission Additional Follow Up Submission File Submission Upload the Chorus AET Spreadsheet here: Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png. . If you did not attach your file above, please send your file directly to Liz Sabo Johnson. You must complete this form for all file submissions sent to Liz. Email Liz - liz@cincynoteables.com Payment method - $100/$50 for each New Member/Guest/Non-member, $100 for each Legacy/Lifetime Member, $5 for each late registration (if applicable), $50 fee for each member not staying in the hotel block (if applicable) * Website Store - please click the link below, it will open in a separate tab. Please complete each applicable purchase. Once the purchase is complete, please return to this tab and submit this form. Check - made out to Harmony Heartland Region 4, c/o Beverly Miller, 168 Honeysuckle Lane, Huntington WV 25701 Go to the store to purchase items Return to contest page To return to main convention page click on link below. main convention page